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Showing posts from January 5, 2014

The beauty of Spontaneous worship

There is a difference in my worship. It has become a spontaneous worship. Drawn from the very profoundness of pain and endurance, where Grace has enabled me to carry my cross, at times feeling as if I were being dragged. But oh the beauty of gazing in His holiness as I spontaneously worship Him truly believing, He is crazy about me, and loves me, genuinely loves me. I've become selfish in my worship for this radical God who risked it all just for me. There is no deeper Love for me then the Love displayed as He hung on that tree, blood flowing down to reach me, and cover me, and save me. Oh the tears that roll down at the very thought of such Love. My heart beats for Him as He invites me to fall in Love with Him. Removing the perverse cloak for a fresh garment of Love. I have no more fear of falling inlove with Him. His banner over me is Love, and because of such Love, there is a difference in my worship. I spontaneously worship Him with melodies from the very...