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Showing posts from May 2, 2010

Touch Me

Touch my mouth Lord that I may speak, a word of comfort to the weak. Touch my feet Lord that I may go, and would not end up to and fro. Touch my heart Lord that it would break, for the very same things that make yours ache. Touch my mind Lord that in my thought, I'd be reminded what you have taught. Touch my life Lord that I may live, each day I face, free to forgive. Daniel 10:18 "Then again, the one having the likeness of a man touched me and strengthened me."


Distractions all around me, trying to capture my attention. Distractions trying to come between of me and my salvation. Distractions bring awareness to be conscious of the trap, avoid that crooked path that can cause me to turn back. Distractions are so subtle, trying to lead you to believe. That you are still inadequate, prevent you to achieve. But I face those distractions, with my armor I'll diminish. Because he gave authority, when he said, "IT IS FINISHED!!" Ephesians 6:11 "Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's scheme."


Before your rapture comes, before the trumpet blows. Disensitize me Lord, each day that I may grow. I humbly come to you. with courage to confess, Lord lead me by your spirit, that I might die to flesh. I hunger for your will, your purpose and your plan. Because your grace sustains me, to firmly in you stand. I pray each night and day, and magnify your name. I thank you for your precious blood, that clears me from my shame. Your voice I long to hear, that I might not be dormant. Desiring to hear you say, "Well done my faithful servant." Isaiah 33:6 "And there shall be stability in your times, an abundance of salvation, wisdom, and knowledge; the reverent fear and worship of the Lord is your treasure and his."