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He found her

He found her. Covered in all the debris of life. Covered in the choices she didn’t give a second thought to making, only to realize she was facing the consequences and feeling as if there would be no escape. He found her, sitting and staring blankly wishing, desiring to start over again. She was covered in her experience of extreme pain and disappointments. He found her, put down, let down, and torn down. How could she look up from where she was. Gravity weighing her down. He found her, though He never took His eyes off her and He gently whispered to her, “I’ve been here all along. How could I find something I’ve never lost sight of?” At that moment she found Him and her epiphany of how deeply lost she was caused her to become responsive to the invitation before her to a place where she could be free from dwelling. She found herself and looked on past all the things that had placed her in that state of desperation, though in that state she embraced her freedom in her intima...
Recent posts

For you I died

He came to fulfill the law for me. Not for the law to be abolished, but because of His great love for me HE alone accomplished what the law required of me and yet He knew any attempt out of my own strength would leave me breathless but He chose to give up His last breath for me, because He loves me. He gave me hope when He fulfilled the law for me because the law would have placed me in a state of panic knowing full well there is nothing perfect about me and I would be incapable. But as incapable as I am, that did not stop Him. He knew I would be incapable and He was moved with compassion. He fulfilled it for me so that I may live by the Grace he provided as He chose to perfectly sacrifice Himself for me. The law he fulfilled for me gave me access to a greater revelation of how deeply He loves me. And after He fullfilled the law, after he breathed His last breath, He rose and said to me, “LIVE!”

The beauty of Spontaneous worship

There is a difference in my worship. It has become a spontaneous worship. Drawn from the very profoundness of pain and endurance, where Grace has enabled me to carry my cross, at times feeling as if I were being dragged. But oh the beauty of gazing in His holiness as I spontaneously worship Him truly believing, He is crazy about me, and loves me, genuinely loves me. I've become selfish in my worship for this radical God who risked it all just for me. There is no deeper Love for me then the Love displayed as He hung on that tree, blood flowing down to reach me, and cover me, and save me. Oh the tears that roll down at the very thought of such Love. My heart beats for Him as He invites me to fall in Love with Him. Removing the perverse cloak for a fresh garment of Love. I have no more fear of falling inlove with Him. His banner over me is Love, and because of such Love, there is a difference in my worship. I spontaneously worship Him with melodies from the very...

O' Samaritan Woman

O' Samaritan Woman, bearing the agony of your shame. As others pass you by, not the least bit interested in knowing your name. Hobbling around with a heavy load, hopeless situation, brokenness is instead your price of ever being betrothed. Bruised and nameless woman, tormented soul. Longing for the pain to be drained. Used and abused over and over again. Conviction of your circumstance shifts upon you all the blame. Reciting in your head, "this could be him, he could be the answer to my dream." Only to once again be let down, left feeling worthless, stripping away the self to your esteem. Along comes a man willingly, breaking boundaries to meet her at her defiled site. Unbeknownst to her, he has the power, to step into her darkness and supernaturally call into existence light. Release her from any suffering, Mercy and Grace restores, and she stands redeemed. Do you know the Samaritan woman I speak of? Would you recognize her if she were standing ne...

The Analysis

So we were bought at a price, redeemed as in set free from distress and harm, but we walk around imprisoned, persuaded by deception and charm. If the ransom was high and the price has been paid, tell me, why do we continue to drift? As if it's ok? See the answers we give don't match with our lives. Because if we're endorsing peace, why are we condoning strife? The place where there once was such consolation, has become a land of much needed reformation. It's not acceptable to conform, this much I do know. Yet in my despair, I'm longing to grow. My spirit has been crushed, by the wayward man. I'm feeling so disturbed, trying hard to understand. And if NOT ONE is righteous why are we pretending to be? Yet dying within to be set free? And if the price has been paid for one and for ALL, why aren't we humbly responding to our call? Jeremiah 8:22 Is there no balm in Gilead? Is there no physician there? Why then is there no hea...

A Saviour's Warrior

That you would call me yours, & know me by my name. Despite my fears & failures, past my tears & all my shame. The Well in the midst of my Desert, the Hope to my despair. The ransom for my soul You paid to show me that You care. You delight in giving me all that my heart desires. Your mercy makes it's way to me as I struggle though the Fire. Beauty for ashes you trade for my life to show that I'm precious in Your sight. And the strength that I need, as I surrender to thee, You provide so I could fight with all my might. Purify my heart, transform my mind & the enemy has to flee as all his lies I bind! Victory prevails as you reveal your Glory The creator of my life, with an ending to my story. Leaving the former things behind, taking back that which originally was mine. Focusing on my latter days, trusting you in all your ways. A friend of a God who calls me Friend My enemies & my past under my feet, never to rise again! You are my Lord, my Saviour who has r...

Weapons of Warfare

Weapons of warfare start to arise, as I'm led into battle I can hear the distant cries, of a mother praying desperately on her knees, asking God who dwells in heaven to meet her children's needs. Weapons of warfare start to arise, as I'm led into battle I can hear the distant cries, of a woman being beaten bruises covering her face, asking God who dwells in heaven, "please send an extra measure of faith." Weapons of warfare start to arise, as I'm led into battle I can hear the distant cries, of a child who's been molested feeling empty and unworthy, asking God who dwells in heaven, "what's the ending of my story?" Weapons of warfare start to arise, as I'm led into battle I can hear the distant cries, of a patient battling cancer holding on with all their might, asking God who dwells in heaven, "Dear Lord help me win this fight." Weapons of warfare start to arise, as I'm led into battle I can hear the distant cries, of the h...

The Layers

Unwrap the layers from this flesh, and leave me naked and undressed. For less is more I've heard them say, my heart before you I must lay. The hindrances you"ll strip away, for you're the Potter, I'm the Clay. And as I stand before you bare, my shame is gone because you care. The image that I held on to, has faded once I was renewed. I feel your breath of life on me, and bask I must continuously. Inhale, exhale, it's so surreal. The way your love just makes me feel. Unwrap the layers, strip me down. And free me from what had me bound! John 11:44 “Take off the grave clothes and let him go.”