He found her. Covered in all the debris of life. Covered in the choices she didn’t give a second thought to making, only to realize she was facing the consequences and feeling as if there would be no escape. He found her, sitting and staring blankly wishing, desiring to start over again. She was covered in her experience of extreme pain and disappointments. He found her, put down, let down, and torn down. How could she look up from where she was. Gravity weighing her down. He found her, though He never took His eyes off her and He gently whispered to her, “I’ve been here all along. How could I find something I’ve never lost sight of?” At that moment she found Him and her epiphany of how deeply lost she was caused her to become responsive to the invitation before her to a place where she could be free from dwelling. She found herself and looked on past all the things that had placed her in that state of desperation, though in that state she embraced her freedom in her intima...
He came to fulfill the law for me. Not for the law to be abolished, but because of His great love for me HE alone accomplished what the law required of me and yet He knew any attempt out of my own strength would leave me breathless but He chose to give up His last breath for me, because He loves me. He gave me hope when He fulfilled the law for me because the law would have placed me in a state of panic knowing full well there is nothing perfect about me and I would be incapable. But as incapable as I am, that did not stop Him. He knew I would be incapable and He was moved with compassion. He fulfilled it for me so that I may live by the Grace he provided as He chose to perfectly sacrifice Himself for me. The law he fulfilled for me gave me access to a greater revelation of how deeply He loves me. And after He fullfilled the law, after he breathed His last breath, He rose and said to me, “LIVE!”